Wednesday Lenten Services at 6:00pm

Sundays at 8:30 and 10:30 Communion Every Sunday
Fellowship 9:30am
Bible Study /Sunday School 9:45am

Pastor Brian Albrecht

Charter Members Present

You probably have heard the saying:
"It takes a village to raise a child."
The same is true for the church. Trinity needs all of its members to take part in making sure Trinity runs smoothly.
What are your interests?
What are your talents?
What are your hidden gifts?
Have an hour each week or an hour a day
or just a few minutes once in awhile -
there is a volunteer opportunity for you.
Our Seasonal Worship Schedule
October to April
Worship at 8:30 am & 10:30 am
Communion Every Sunday
Fellowship 9:30
Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 9:45
May - September
Worship at 9:30am
Communion Every Sunday
Fellowship 10:30am
Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 10:45am