Christmas Fellowship Buffet
Wednesday Dec 13

There was much fun, fellowship, food and entertainment.
A free will offering enabled gifts of money, presents and food to be received for C.A.R.E.
C.A.R.E. stands for Centre for Abuse and Rape Emergencies; donations totalled $1,062 to help those in need.
“Thank You” from C.A.R.E. “We are so appreciative of all your donations and work to make the bags for our moms and children. I will be happy to make sure they get out to them! I will send over one of my staff to come over and scoop up those donations. Thank you again for all that you and the members of the church have done. All of us here at C.A.R.E. along with our residents are very thankful for you. Have a great day and a very Merry Christmas!”
Jamie Hufford, Case Manager Supervisor

Thank You from Pastor & Lanette Schmidt
“IT IS WITH MUCH APPRECIATION we received your Christmas cards and gifts as well as the
card and gift from TLC congregation. Your kind deeds express the generosity in your hearts and continue to be a blessing as we work together in serving our Lord.” Pastor & Lanette Schmidt